Just Data
These are links that have updated data that I think are particularly valuable and often have lots of data. Be patient as some of these data repositories take a little time to navigate.
- Agricultural The Foreign Agricultural Service, FAS, from the USDA includes consumption, production, stock, and more of a variety of agricultural products.
- Coastal Inundation A NOAA dashboard for coastal inundation data for various locations around the U.S.
- Education The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) Digest of Education Statistics.
- Economic The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, FRED, offers a wealth of economic data and information to promote economic education and enhance economic research. The widely used database FRED is updated regularly and allows 24/7 access to regional and national financial and economic data. How to use FRED including making maps.
- Energy by Country Country Energy Profiles produced by the eia.
- General Our World in Data has data on numerous topics which is found in links associated with the great interactive graphs.
- General Data.gov The purpose of Data.gov is to increase public access to high value, machine readable data sets generated by the Executive Branch of the Federal Government.
- Global Climate Global climate time series data by month from NOAA on the Global Climate Report page.
- Greenhouse Gases NOAA page for carbon cycle greenhouse gases.
- Labor The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
- Local Climate Data Start at the NCEI Local Climatological Data Map. Click the wrench to be able to select stations. Once a stations are selected and checked click Add to Cart which will take you to a page to select the data and have it sent to you.
- Sea Level (local) A NOAA database of local sea level trends around the world.
- U.S. Energy Annual Energy Outlook from the eia data browser.
- Wages The Economic Policy Institute's State of Working America Data Library includes excel files of employment and wage data by race and gender.
- Weather by Place A NOAA page for weather data by state, region, or city. The link lands you on state. A post on how to use the page.
- World Development Indicators A lot of country data from the World Band on their Development Indicators page.
- World Population United Nations Population Division data. Standard Projections are current estimates and Probabilistic Projections are future estimates. Both files have data by world, region, and country.
Just Spatial Data
These data sets have latitude and longitude information.
- Bird Banding North American Bird Banding Program Datasets. There are 57 csv files of various types of birds that have been captured and in some case recaptured. Here is a map of Saw-Whet owls that were captured by one group and also captured/recaptured by someone else.
- Tornadoes Tornadoes that have touched down in the U.S. from NOAA.
Sites With Educational Materials for Teachers
- The Teacher-Friendly Guide Climate Change A free pdf text that provides an overview of climate change.
- Teaching Climate from Climate.gov
- A roundup of NOAA resources
- Sustainability Improves Student Learning (SISL): Teaching Sustainability in Mathematics/QR
- NOAA Ocean & coasts education resources and the Marine Debris Program page may be useful.
- EPA Lesson Plans, Teacher Guides, and Online Resources for Educators
- Ozone Hole Watch from NASA includes materials for middle school through college.
- Gapminder Gapminder is an independent educational non-profit fighting global misconceptions. Gapminder includes quizzes of common misconceptions about the world.
- Space Math @ NASA There are a number of useful earth/space/math type problems although mostly for k-12 you might find something valuable depending on what you are teaching. Be sure to look under Additional Resources -> Problem Books.
Other Useful Sites for Information
- Sign up for Energy Updates from the EIA
- EPA Climate Change Page
- Energy Information for Kids This page is geared towards kids but it is useful for adults too.
- The World Top Incomes Database You can get income inequality data and generate graphs.
- Berkeley Earth - Data Visualizations.
- Sustainable Development Goals tracker contains data for all 17 goals.
- World Band Sustainable Development Goals
- Millennium Ecosystem Assessment
- EPA Climate Change Indicators in the U.S.
- IPCC 6th Assessment report.