The yearly EPI report on economic prospects for young college grads Class of 2019 College Edition by Elise Gould, Zane Makhiber, and Julia Wolfe (5/14/19) is now available. The report has 19 key finding and 10 graphs with available data. A few highlights:
Women make up half of 21- to 24-year-olds but well over half (57.4 percent) of young college degree holders.
One out of every 20 young college graduates is unemployed, a higher rate than in 2000, when only one in 25 was.
After falling in the aftermath of the Great Recession, wages for young college graduates have been growing steadily since 2014 and have (just barely) surpassed the 2000 benchmark; however, nearly two decades of wage growth for young college graduates have been lost.
Related Post: What are the prospects for new college grads? (5/21/18)